Want to use our research facilities? Please contact Prof. Jaap Den Toonder from the contact details on the side.
If you want a general introduction to our lab, please contact our Lab Managers at microfab.labmanagers@tue.nl.
Head of Lab
Jaap den Toonder
T: +31 40 – 247 2987
E: j.m.j.d.toonder@tue.nl
Lab Managers
Ed Berben
T: +31 6 41 76 37 34
E: e.t.m.berben@tue.nl
Irene Dobbelaer – Bosboom
T: +31 40 – 247 6006
E: i.j.m.dobbelaer@tue.nl
Katherine Pacheco Morillo
T: +31 40 – 247 3546
E: k.b.pacheco.morillo@tue.nl
Jaap de Hullu
T: +31 40 – 247 2944
E: j.m.d.hullu@tue.nl