Microfab Lab.
A unique, high tech, versatile environment, where creativity, manufacturing and practical experimentation are taking place to develop novel microdevices.
The Microfab lab focuses on the manufacturing of microdevices with attention to microfluidic devices, lab on a chip, microactuators and –sensors, and microreactors.
This state-of-the-art facility with a total surface area of about 600 square meters, houses a unique combination of (micro)fabrication technologies like (photo and soft) lithography, femtosecond laser, 3D printing, lasercutting, and mechanical micromachining.
Testing feasibilities feature stereo microPIV techniques, a series of (fluorescent) microscopes, custom magnetic actuation setups, and many more. A cell bio-lab to support the usage of microdevices for biological applications is also available.

The Microfab lab is hosted by the Microsystems Section in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TU/e and has close ties with the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) as well as the Materials Technology group (MaTe) at TU/e.
A wide range of participating groups from the Departments of Mechanical engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and Applied Physics are also using the lab. This promotes the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of ideas amongst a variety of disciplines.
Research and
The lab is designed for both research and education. It enables new research lines and stimulates interdisciplinary collaboration between research groups.
The laboratory accommodates research conducted in cooperation with external research institutions such as Leiden University Medical Center, the hDMT and TNO. In addition, there is a strong cooperation with industrial partners such as ASML, Bionchip, MA3 Solutions, Philips and Synapse.